Community News
User Stories and Health Tips From Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, and Fitness Trainers.
Seated Spinal Twist to Increase Mobility
A quick way to increase mobility and flexibility in your spine is to stretch your abdominals, shoulders, and neck. One...
Bad Posture Can Be A Slippery Slope
Let’s examine the possibility. You don't work out or participate in sports. You're not a frontline worker. You still...
Mind Your Rotator Cuff
Back and shoulder pain can mean a lot of things. However, one of the most common culprits is overuse or...
Identifying Pain
This is probably the most important topic we'll cover; how to identify the different types of pain and how your...
Devolving Behind a Desk: Why Prolonged Sitting Kills Our Backs
Most likely, you are reading this sitting down, and possibly in front of your desktop computer. In August of 1981 IBM...